The number of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans presenting with post-traumatic stress disorder at the Department of Veterans Affairs is higher than originally projected.
While animal-vehicle collisions rarely cost lives, the total annual cost in damages is over $8 Billion per year. More than one million collisions with large animals occur annually within the US.
There are over 800,000 people in California alone living with a visual impairment. Many of them don't have the proper aid, tools, and support to function on a daily basis.
The Legal Marijuana industry has spread quickly throughout the United States. Business owners have built Successful legal operations, which brings in large amounts of state and federal tax dollars daily.
Cryptocurrency has emerged as a peer to peer decentralized currency system internationally. The use of cryptocurrency has become more evident, and the future of blockchain shows incredible potential to many. Many people have become invested in the currency and the future of the product.
The annual global economic value of coral reefs is estimated between US$30–37.5 Billion. Coral reefs deliver ecosystem services for tourism, fisheries and shoreline protection. Often called "rainforests of the sea", shallow coral reefs form some of Earth's most diverse ecosystems.